INDIVIDUAL COVER Provides Access to 2 bedded ward in All hospitals


Introduction of a Low Claims Bonus Benefit per family

The low claims bonus is introduced as reward mechanism for families with low levels of utilisation.

• Free Eco-sure Lite funeral benefit of $50,000 on all packages.

• Free Hospital cash back of $5,000 per day from the 4th day of hospitalization.

(Applicable to members on Active and Vitality packages)

• Low claims bonus – Loyal members will get a bonus after every 3 year anniversary of their joining.

The bonus is based on the member’s claims/contribution ratio

• Free Connected Health device for Diabetes/Hypertension patients

  • Waiting Periods

    The following waiting periods will apply for the below services:

      Consultation                                  3 months

      Optical Services                            6 months

      Hospitalisation                              6 months

      Maternity                                        9 months

      MRI & CT Scan                              12 months

      Chemotherapy                               24 months

      Dental procedures                        6 months

      Surgical Operations                     6 months

      Dialysis                        24 months

  • Requirements

    • Copy of ID for adults
    • Copy of B/Certificate for children under 18
    • Proof of residence
    • One passport size photo for each person
    • For dependents above 18 years who are students we require proof of being a student for them to enjoy the student discount.

Child Under 18            $2,523

Adult                            $4,209

Students 18-24 years      $3,366

  • Benefits Limits Schedule

      Anesthetic                                          56,700

      Gynecology                                         28,800

      Hospitalisation                                  288,000

      Optical (2 years)                                 18,000

     Cancer Treatment                              144,000 subject to hospitalization limit

      Global Limit                                     900,000

      Consultation                                        58,500

     Orthodontic                    24,600 subject to dental

      Lab Test                                              43,200

      Physiotherapy                                     27,000

      Radiology                                           85,500

    Prothesis                                42,000 sub- ject Hosp

      Dental                                                  36,000

      Hearing Aids                                        36,000

      Maternity (2 years)                               54,000

      Prescription Drugs                              67,500

      Surgery                                                 90,000

    Dialysis        120,000 subject to hospitalization limit

• Free Eco-sure Lite funeral benefit of $50,000 on all packages.

• Free Hospital cash back of $5,000 per day from the 4th day of hospitalization.

(Applicable to members on Active and Vitality packages)

• Low claims bonus – Loyal members will get a bonus after every 3 year anniversary of their joining.

The bonus is based on the member’s claims/contribution ratio

• Free Connected Health device for Diabetes/Hypertension patients

Online Form

NB: Subject to terms and conditions as specified in the Maisha Health Fund Policy available through our Membership and Subscriptions department.

Claims & Member Validation:



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Claims & Member Validation:



  • Waiting Periods

    The following waiting periods will apply for the below services:

      Consultation                        3 months

      Optical Services                  6 months

      Hospitalisation                    6 months

      Maternity                              9 months

      MRI & CT Scan                  12 months

      Chemotherapy                  24 months

      Dental procedures              6 months

      Surgical Operations           6 months

      Dialysis                              24 months

  • Benefits Limits Schedule

      Anesthetic                                   18,900

      Gynecology                                  9,600

      Hospitalisation                           57,600

     Optical (2 years)                            6,000

     Cancer Treatment                       48,000 subject to hospitalization limit

      Global Limit                             300,000

      Heart                                                120

      Prescription Drugs                         600

      Consultation                               19,500

      Orthodontic       8200 subject to dental

      Lab Test                                           240

      Physiotherapy                              9,000

      Radiology                                   28,500

      Dental                                         12,000

      Maternity (2 years)                    18,000

      Surgery                                       30,000

  • Requirements

    • Copy of ID for adults
    • Copy of B/Certificate for children under 18
    • Proof of residence

Claims & Member Validation:



Claims & Member Validation:



  • Waiting Periods

    The following waiting periods will apply for the below services:

      Consultation                        3 months

      Hospitalisation                    6 months

      MRI & CT Scan                  12 months

      Dental procedures              6 months

      Dialysis                              24 months

      Optical Services                  6 months

      Maternity                              9 months

      Chemotherapy                  24 months

      Surgical Operations           6 months

  • Requirements

    • Copy of ID for adults
    • Copy of B/Certificate for children under 18
    • Proof of residence